понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Ok I know this is going to sound pathetic, but sometimes I wish i could magically make my favorite guy characters in book could hop out and I could be with them. I totally believe that bumper sticker Boy in books are better. As you all know the guy i have been crushing on CB, well he took this girl with him to fightland and from the attitude that kristy mentioned it, it seemed like he might like her. I am happy for him, I really am he is a great guy, for the most part. However, I am alittle sad because I did like him. I just really want to meet someone who would love me for who I am. Thats all I want in life is to be happy. I want to be in love and I have never experienced that before and I really want to. I mean that feeling is the most cherished of all feelings and one day i hope to experience that one day. More tomarrow...really tired. Night

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I snoozed until 8.20, then scrambled into clothing and neatened up and packed up for 8.30 because Iapos;m impressive like that. Met up with Batgirl in the corridor and we went on our way toward chemi.

She, as usual, had to meat Laura by Palmer. I just kept going. Met up with Jo in chemi and sat down in front row. For a sec. I had been concerned someone had taken my seat up front, but then I realized it was a friend and relaxed.

I ranted about my inability to sleep and sickness. I then felt far less angry at Mary and Andrea which was nice. Read through Contented Little Pussycat quickly. Batgirl bopped me on the head on her way up to her seat.

The lecture was pretty easy. I had to blow my nose through most of it, but I monitored when I did so. My coughing I couldnapos;t control so much. It was slightly funny that during pretty much the entire lecture at least someone was coughing, and often if one person coughed loud enough the others felt brave enough to let out a few coughs.

I watched Professor Page. Sheapos;s so, so tiny Yet she has a similar physical presence to the Cavinator. But like the latter, sheapos;s not so great at gathering the attention of a rowdy class - another boy had to whistle from up back. She thanked him and smiled. I can tell now that she has a rather prominent overbite, and thatapos;s why her words are often formed strangely, especially with s-sounds. It had intrigued me for a while because it was different from a lisp.

Workshop I went down; Batgirl and Laura slipped into my group instead of going in the other group. I finished the work sheet well even without a calculator and pointed out that they had told us to answer to two significant figures, but that wouldnapos;t require much math, and thought they might have been looking for decimals. They said they were. I got the hang of writing out cross and dot bonds and how many bonds / what type of bonds are present. Got it all right and off I went

Hung out with Batgirl and Laura up in their seats on the right center of the room. They fed me crisps and crackers.

Went back for the second part of the lecture. It was still easy, just talking about ionic bonds. No bug dwak, as the Cavinator would say. Itapos;s slightly obnoxious to have friends in the class so early in the game because Batgirl and Laura are the type to be all set and ready BEFORE the professor has stopped talking, and Iapos;m the type who takes her royal drag-arse time just so she can have a contrived word with the professor seemingly due to her own slow timing. But instead I always have Batgirl and Laura right in front of me when lecture ends, so even though I dawdle some, there are always a few students left talking to the Professor and the other two tugging me out. I reluctantly leave. I really like Professor Pageapos;s aura. She smiles easily, can joke with herself, and is all-round pleasant.

Met up with Spork (previously Piotr from Poland) and Jo. Laughed about how when three of us are together weapos;re 1/3rd of the ecology major. We chatted and joked for a while, then Batgirl and I went back for lunch. It was pathetic. We came back up and I worked in her room. I felt too yuck to walk all the way to New Ag even as she had drawn me a beautiful out-of-scale map that we joked around with.

Instead I stayed in her room reading slowly and being sick. I didnapos;t get much done today. Itapos;s a bit rubbish. So tomorrow Iapos;ll have to go to Plant Diversity, have a practical, come back for lunch, go drop off my forms at New Ag, and come back to go to town with Batgirl. Then back here for some work. Iapos;m getting into it, though, which is nice.

Iapos;m in bed instead of watching a movie with the others. Mary is playing Family Guy. Iapos;ve taken my pre-sleep pain killer already so thatapos;s kicking in. Think Iapos;ll write for a bit and then read before I fall asleep. Hoping I can make it through the night tonight

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aragorn feet

Okay my day started out great. Then slowly went to hell in a hand basket.� We were slammed all day today and I mean slammed.� I could not even take a pee break okay.� My patience wore a little thin and I did snap at my crew a little today so I am sorry.� On the way home today was no better ever one had road rage.� I had a guy behind me flipping me off because I was not doing 40 mph on 8 mile 2 blocks from my house.� 1st of all it is currently a construction zone dumb ass and it is illegal to speed in a construction zone.� 2nd of all I am 2 blocks from my house I am not going to do 40 mph then slam on my fucking breaks to turn a corner I like my car I donapos;t want to fuck it up.� So go home and take a fucking chill pill damn it.� Wow I feel better now getting that off of my mind.� Any who tonight is army wifes only 1 more episode for the season after tonight.� Well guys I am going to go work on a blanket so talk to you later.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


New here.
My name is Charlotte, 26.
I have two sons. Rohan who is 6 and Xavier who is almost 4. My fiance has a 3 year old daughter named Crimzon.
Currently I have 3 facial piercings: septum and labret x2.
My ears are stretched to 7/8". Im unsure if I will stretch again.
I have about 8 hours of tattoo work. I just started my right half sleeve and have about 8-10 more hours to go on it. Its a cover up piece. I plan on getting many more hours of work done in the future.
For some reason I cant access my pictures Ill post some soon though.
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communication style gender difference

First of all..I want to thanks to all my friends who had wish me on my birthdayreally..itapos;s really sweet and made me the happy girl in this planet..thanks to riori_addict,litany chan,xumiie chan and kos_mos26..Love you guys*hugs all*

actually..I dont really celebrate my birthday on 15th October..that day is really really busy day and I cant sleep to finish my proposal..goshhMy final year project is really make me crazy..and next week Iapos;ll present my proposal and lucky me..my supervisor will be not around and the panel is not the specialize in Asphalt Industry..But, still..Iapos;m nervous..

enough about my miserable life...

yesterday..Rnk IS ON AIRand I canapos;t get watch them online..internet sucksIapos;m hope that Iapos;m in my home so that I can watch them..

and now..Iapos;m crazy with photobook..after buying Arashi is Alive..Iapos;m looking for other Arashi photobooks and My Ohno Otakara photobook is on the way from Singapore..Cant wait to see chibi Ohno
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Iapos;m headed back to PA tomorrow for an overnight trip campaigning in North Philly. The past two days that Iapos;ve canvassed were amazing--tiring but so rewarding. Even when I didnapos;t make the best case I could, I wasnapos;t demoralized--I was just ready to try again, to make another argument, talk to another undecided voter.

So if you are in or near PA, or VA, or OH, or WV or FL or NM or IN or any other state thatapos;s in play, go volunteer. Itapos;s worth your time more than anything else you could be doing, unless that happens to be, like, walking the Appalachian Trail, which definitely gets a pass.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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�Headed to Ratha the day before yesterday with my Anti-brain. �Took a little nap in the empath garden to rest myself after ways traveling. �The next day I headed out to Merrows to gather a bunch of skins. �Iennaapos;s been breathing down my neck to get her a load of coats. �Once I had those skins scraped and salted I wayswalked back to Shard.

To kill time while the skins were curing I climbed over to Leth and spent some time forging. �Found a mix for capped 51 stone gauntlets and both 64 and 80 stone greaves. �Very cool.

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